We are happy and satisfied when our trainings are successful and respond 100% to the needs and expectations of our customers.
We are even happier , grateful and very proud when we read news on social media posted and published by our customers like this….

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/carretillas-tr_carretillastr-carretilleros-carretillasbyd-activity-6998983576331390976-7N0F/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop  

“… Ayer nuestros técnicos participaron en un curso impartido por David Ruiz* y Diego** de Miretti de BYD, que les acredita para poder reparar carretillas BYD ATEX. Esta máquinas son las únicas con tecnología litio que pueden transformarse para trabajar en ambientes explosivos….”

“...Our technicians participated in a course given by David Ruiz* and Diego** from BYD and Miretti, which accredits them to be able to repair BYD ATEX forklifts. These machines are the only ones with lithium technology that can be Atex transformed to work in explosive environments….”

*David Ruiz=Aftersales Coordinator BYD Forklift Iberia ** Diego Del Po = Electrical Engineering & After Sales Tech. Support Miretti Group

Carretillas TR has chosen Miretti Group and Miretti Team for the Atex training of its 5 technicians and operators recently. The training sessions were composed as follows: traditional training + specific training on the explosion-proof BYD vehicles.

Thanks to Carretillas and BYD Companies for once again believing in the values of Atex Explosion Protections and Atex Know-How

of Miretti Group which can support its customers even after the supply all around the world.

Book a Miretti Training Course >>> CLICK HERE!

*** About Miretti’s Training Sessions ***

Miretti has thought of providing our customers with a training service focused on maintenance courses for Explosion Proof vehicles, Ex protected by our Group. In addition, customers – who rely on Miretti as their Ex proof supplier – know that they can also take advantage of the proven experience of our trainers.

At these meetings we try to encourage a practical and operational slant together with an educational method as interactive as possible, so that even the theoretical part becomes an opportunity to stimulate a debate among the participants who are always invited to bring to the classroom questions, curiosities, practical cases, real life experiences.  During Miretti courses, participants have the chance to explore various aspects with regard to the Explosion Proof issue. It starts from the Definitions, useful for ordering and laying the foundations for the subsequent topics, to move on to the Legislative Provisions up to the Regulations. Then it deals more specifically with the Hazardous Area’s Classification, Inflammable Gas and Dust Classification reaching the different Protection Methods provided by the Legislation.

Therefore, a teaching that favours a hybrid approach in order to find the best way to mix theory and practical cases, and to adapt to the participants profile. In this sector, the experience and expertise acquired in the field by our trainers are decisive qualities and give added value to our classrooms by combining the most didactic explanation with concrete examples of Atex applications and actually experienced related problems

We are convinced that the activity of an Explosion Proof Partner should not end with the Atex Protection of the vehicle, but it must go beyond. This vision also includes the intention of raising awareness as much as possible among those involved in the development of what we can call an “Atex culture”, a concept connected to the broader and more general “safety in the workplace”.

The feedback received from our participants, who recognize our expertise and ability to involve the entire classroom proactively and enthusiastically, are a tremendous source of satisfaction. The participants often stay in contact with our trainers even after the training is over either by exchanging opinions, ideas or even photos taken in the most convivial moments. The feeling is that a sort of “network” is created and that in itself is extremely pleasing.